Safeguarding Policy

Hill Rise Community Association Basingstoke is committed to safeguarding anyone who uses Hill Rise Hall from all forms of abuse, whether physical, or emotional, neglectful, or discriminatory on the grounds of race, religion, disability, appearance, emotional, race, sexuality, mental ability or lifestyle.

The managing committee expect all users to comply with this statement; those who do not may be barred from using the building, and denied the opportunities to be a member of the association.

Vulnerable people are all children, and adults who are affected by physical, mental, or emotional disabilities, or who may be affected by temporary conditions, such as stress, addiction, bereavement, or trauma.

Any hirers who hold events for unaccompanied children or young people must have a safeguarding policy, and have at least one leader who has had a check with the governments Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).  The booking clerk will ask to see documentary proof of these.  Hirer's who hold events for unaccompanied children or vulnerable adults should challenge anyone who for whatever reason attempts to interrupt their session, including people claiming to be on the management committee.

The committee and its staff pledge not to enter the building unless it is really necessary during hiring's, and will ask permission to do so of the hirer.

If anyone has concerns about the welfare of anyone using the hall, they should contact the chairman,  whose contact details are displayed on the front door, or in the case of serious concerns should inform the NSPCC about child safety on 0808 800 5000; Hampshire Adult Services on 0300 555 1386 for adult safety or the police on 101.

We undertake to train our volunteers and any member of staff involved in activities with vulnerable people in how to safeguard the vulnerable, and protect themselves from false claims of abuse.  Any complaints about the behaviour of committee members or staff should be made to the chairman in writing, who will discuss the issues with the committee member or member of staff, and will send a written reply to the complainant of the outcome.   For serious complaints of abuse by a committee member of member of staff they will be suspended from their duties until the incident has been reported to the committee, investigated, and a decision made as to further action.  Both parties will receive a written report of our decision.  In the event of harm to a person, the police will be informed.

Currently the association does not run any activities for unaccompanied children; if we do in the future we will ensure the leaders are recruited using safe recruiting procedures, references taken, and DBS checks undertaken.

This policy will be reviewed annually.